Post 7: An expert / person in your field that you admire
The truth is that I don't have any person that I admire in the field of my carrer and I don't know many, but I know about one person that caught my attention, mostly because of his history.
Albert Hoffman was a chemist who was working in a pharmaceutical industry trying to stabilize the lysergic acid, succeeding in synthesizing the lysergic acid diethylamide-25 (known as LSD) in 1938. Five years later, this compound caught his attention again for new research and Hoffman synthesized another sample in 1943, where he accidentally ingested a small quantity from his fingertips, making him the first man to experience the LSD effects. He felt dizzy and had little visions so 3 days later he decided to submit to the effect of the compound on his own, having strongest effects of what he described as dizziness, anxiety, visual distortions, symptoms of paralysis and wishes to laugh. As he started to feel weird, he decided to go home in bicycle because of the restrictions of the second world war, having all these effects in the way. This memorable trip is remembered on april 19th as the bicycle day. LSD started to be used with therapeutic purposes to treat the schizophrenia, depression or addictions. However, its effects became popular and its bad use turned this compound into an urban drug in the 60s, reaching its ban in many countries and stopping the investigations.
Hoffman died at 102 years old and he said feeling disappointed because the scientific potential of this compound has been overshadowed by its excessive and unsupervised use.
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